Under Review

Sep 18, 2022

Passage: Romans 13:11-14

Preacher: Dr. Doug McCart

Category: Living The Christian Life

Keywords: walking, light, dark, awake, sleeping, revelry, armor of light, drunkness, put on christ jesus and not the flesh


What if your life was like College and NFL football and everything you did was reviewable, just like certain plays on the football field? If people could play back instances in your life to see if you did what you were supposed to as a Christian or if you were out of bounds, or fumbled the ball, or even missed the block or tackle. If we look at our life are we sleep walking, are we hiding in the dark because we want to hide our sins from God? In this scription Peter is telling Christians we need to come awake and stop walking in our sleep and in darkness. We need to make sure we are doing God's work in the light where people can see what living a true Christian life is like.

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