Jesus Passed By

Jun 05, 2022

Passage: Mark 5:1-20

Preacher: Dr. Doug McCart

Category: Putting Action to your Christian Life

Keywords: jesus, demons, thankful, stones, crazy, afraid, cast out, chains, shackles, commissioned, passing by, marveled, caves.


The weather was getting stormy so Jesus came ashore from the fishing boat and was walking into town when He passed the cemetery and a man possessed by demons came running out madly screaming and hollering and cutting himself with stones. Jesus spoke to the demons in the man and then cast them out into a herd of swine number two thousand because the man had many demons named Legion.


Jesus did not just cast out the demons in side the man, but healed him and saved him.  He then told the man to go and tell his family, friends and neighbor what Jesus had done for him   Jesus commissioned the man to be an evangelist, telling his story 

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