Do you really care ? Spring 2023

May 07, 2023

Passage: John 1:40-45

Category: Putting Action to your Christian Life

Keywords: going, family, christ, loving, messiah, called, came, caring, brothers, joining, telling


When the Jesus called His disciples they immediately came, but as they were coming they found those they cared about deeply, family and friends and invited them to come with them and learn about the Messiah. Many Jewish people were waiting for the coming of the Messiah and this man Jesus soon proved He truly was the Christ, the Messiah they awaited.


Many Jews had long awaited the arrivial of the Messiah, the Christ and now that He was here they were so excited to follow Him.  In fact their excitement was so great they had to tell others before they really began the journey Jesus had for each of the.   They had to tell their brothers, their parents and cousins.  THey had to tell their friends about this Messiah, the Christ.   

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