Can I Change

Jan 19, 2025

Passage: Luke 8:1-3

Preacher: Dr. Doug McCart

Category: Putting Action to your Christian Life

Keywords: demons, change, called, support, free, cast out


The question is and I am sure it is one that you have asked yourself over and over, Can I Change? Can I leave my sinful ways, my bad lifestyle and self-centered behaviour behind and become what God wants me to become? The answer is in today's message, and here is a PSA, "Yes you can, through the blood of Jesus and His Love, you can change. Mary Magdenlina not only desired to change but she had to have Jesus help her because was plagued by demons, seven of them to be exact. Jesus was able to cast the demons out of Mary and then she was able to change. There is hope for all of us if Mary Magdelina could get the help she needed and change.

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